CAPS Vocal Music

Becoming life-long musicians through a positive, educational, & performance-based experience of excellence

Choir director headshot

6th-12th Choir Director

Mrs. Amy Swanson

We are excited to offer a gateway to vocal music with the following classes for students to pursue the joy of vocal music:

  • 6th Grade Choir

  • 7th Grade Choir

  • 8th Grade Choir

  • Cadillac High School Honors Choir

  • Cadillac High School Chorale

Upcoming dates to watch for:

January 21 - District Solo & Ensemble Festival @ West Shore Community College. We have 34 students attending!

February 6-8 - This year's musical "Legally Blonde" will be performed @ the CHS auditorium ( Thursday - 7pm / Friday - 7pm / Saturday - 2pm & 7pm)

February 12 - District Choral Festival @ Big Rapids High School. Honors Choir, Chorale and 8th Grade Choir will be attending!

"My daughter, Hayley started choir in 5th grade. She is now a senior and her bonds and friendships that she's gained through shared choir experiences have been a blessing for the both of us! I too have gained friendships through choir boosters!"


   - Jennifer Freeman

Join the Cadillac High School Choir Boosters

Email Booster President Jamie Theobald with the link above or here: Email the Booster President